Wave : How to add "Wave This" button to blogger?

Google Wave is a new web application for real-time communication and collaboration.
Happy 1st birthday to Google Wave

Google Wave recently announced that "Wave is open for all" no invitations required. With this Wave becomes a great sharing tool where readers can share content with like minded people and discuss. So i decided to embed "Wave this" button in my blog and here is How i did it?.
This requires only one step - If you want to include the button below each blog post, copy and paste the code snippet given below, into your Blogger template, right after the
<div class='post-footer'>
(here i assume that you know how to edit Blogger template).
You can also copy code from here or .

<span class='wave'>
<a expr:href="& quot; https://wave.google.com/wave/wavethis?t=& quot; + data:post.title" target="_blank"'&gtWave This</a'>

<script type="text/javascript"'>
function displayURL(data) {
var urlinfo = data[0];
if (!urlinfo.total_posts) return;
document.getElementById("a").innerHTML = urlinfo.total_posts;

And that's it! Done! Now you or your readers can start new Wave for your blog-post with just one click and invite others.
I know there are many ways to do this but this one was easy for me. If you find any other easier way to add Wave This button to Blogger please let met know. You can add me to your Waves my Wave address is indiaprab78 at googlewave.com


  1. Hi can we exchange links? My blog is http://ticklethythoughts.blogspot.com.. Let me know if it's fine with you..thank you..:) :-D

  2. I think we are exchanging links. but i can't see my blog here. anyway thanks for your support.


  3. Wow Best regards!
    visite my blog come from indonesia

  4. thanks for this infos, i shall add this button to my blog, its practical
