Twitpay - send payment using Twitter

Congratulations all Twitter users. Now you can send your payments as simple as a twit. For this all you have to is sign up on and put some cash in it that's it now you are ready to send payments.
Suppose u want to send payment of $10 to XYZ(twitter username) for beer, it will look like "@XYZ twitpay $10 for beer". Founders of Twitpay think that this can be used mainly in Charity and Disaster relief fund.
But but but there is a problem that the XYZ will not be paid as cash, rather it will a Amazon Gift Certificate, that means you are buying from Amazon!!!!! And again nobody would want to send money like this, as evrybody following you can see read the twit.So do you want to send payments like this?


  1. Hi:) I found you through BC and saw that you were interested in 'follower' exhange. I am following you now:)

  2. thanks Marie Reed , i hope you enjoyed reading post.
